Becoming self-employed is a viable option for individuals who have decided to become “job creators” and not “job seekers.” Fox Management Consulting works with individuals and organizations to develop a viable feasibility study and business plans. Training consists of the following components:
- Executive Summary
- Highlights
- Objectives
- Mission
- Milestones
- Business Overview
- Ownership/Legal Entity
- Location
- Operations
- Products and Services
- Suppliers
- Management/Leadership
- Start-up
- Expansion and Growth
- Operations
- Feasibility
- Risk Analysis
- Liabilities
- Insurance
- Growth Strategies
- Exit Strategy
- Marketing
- Market Analysis
- Industry Analysis
- Market Segmentation
- Pricing
- Advertising
- Strategic Implementation
- Competition
- Financial Analysis
- Financial Assumptions
- Cash Flow Analysis
- Profit and Loss Statements
- Balance Sheet
- Sales Forecasting
- Break-Even Analysis
Selection Interviewing
Interviewers should evaluate their own individual skills and qualities before conducting an employment interview. The interviewer must understand the importance of conducting an effective interview and understand the interview process. Fox Management Consulting Enterprises, LLC, prepares interviewers to conduct effective, yet legal interviews through a series of special training units focused on selecting the best candidate for the organization. Topics include:
- Guidelines for Employment Interviews
- Understanding the Process
- Types of Interviews
- Questions Not to Ask
- Interview Considerations
- EEO Considerations
- Equal Pay Act
- Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Age Discrimination Act
- Equal Employment Act
- Pregnancy Discrimination Act
- Vocational Rehabilitation Act
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Civil Rights Act of 1991
- Planning the Interview
- The Selection Process
Strategic Planning
Planning and goal setting are two of the most important elements of managing the activities of an organization. However, many organizations do a less than adequate job of planning and setting goals. Strategic planning must begin at the top, with the upper levels of leadership. However, the process should be communicated throughout the organization, and an input/feedback loop should be established. One of the first strategic tasks of upper leadership is to preplan for the strategic planning process. Organizational leaders should not make the assumption that everyone understands the planning process. The first thing that leaders should do is to define some basic planning terms as they apply to the organization prior to developing the strategic planning goals and objectives. Fox Management uses the following training units to assist organizations in strategic planning:
- Defining Planning
- Reestablishing the Organizational Mission
- Tying the Mission to Core Values
- Developing Strategic Goals
- Developing Strategic Objectives
- Developing Strategic Strategies
- Developing Strategic Tactics
- Establishing a Strategic Plan
- Guidelines for Setting Objectives
- The Planning Process
Communication Model
Communication skills are important for every organizational member regardless of his/her position within the organization, but especially for leaders and managers. Often a lack of effective communication leads to problems, which, if the problems are not corrected, lead to an internal crisis. Training units consist of the following:
- Formal Communication
- Informal Communication
- Creating Open Communication
- Communication Barriers
- Communication Styles
- Effective Assertive Behavior
- Nonverbal Communication
- False Communication Assumptions
- Communicating Negative Information
- Communicating Company Image
- Active Listening
- Listening Curve
Leadership Development
Leadership has been defined in terms of individual traits, influence over the behavior of other people, interaction patterns, role relationships, and members’ perceptions. Most definitions reflect the assumption that leadership involves influencing the behavior of others. Training units related to leadership development are as follows:
- Leadership
- Leadership vs. Management
- Power and Influence
- Types of Power
- Influence Tactics
- Empowerment
- Delegation
- Leadership Style
- Path-Goal Leadership Approach
- Situational Variables that Affect Leadership
- Leadership and Employees’ Efforts
- Types of Rewards
- Supportive Behavior
- Coaching Employees
Professional Ethics & Customer Service
Professional business ethics is concerned with doing the right thing in the business. It is the concept of moral rights and wrongs that goes beyond what is legally required. It extends to all areas of operations including every policy and procedure that has an impact on various stakeholders. Fox Management Consulting Enterprises, LLC, provides the following training units, and ties its training to the concept of establishing excellent customer service and satisfaction through ethical business practices:
- Definition of Ethics
- Customer Service and Ethics
- Customer-Centered Organizations
- Customer Philosophy
- Definition of Customer Philosophy
- Customer Values
- Customer Needs
- Customer Behavior
- Customer Satisfaction
- Methods of Tracking and Measuring Customer Service
- Retaining Customers
- Customer Service Decisions
- Managing Service Quality
Team Development
Developing a team is extremely important for every organization. Fox Management Consulting Enterprises, LLC, recognizes the impact that a strong team will have on the success of any organization. A team has been defined as two or more individuals working toward a shared mission and shared goals. Specific training units include the following:
- Establishing Teams, Not Work Groups
- Guidelines for Team Building
- Establishing Team Norms
- Team Leadership
- Team Behaviors
- Demonstrating Respect for Team Members
- Creating a Positive Team Environment
- Team Roles
- Developing Common Team Goals
- Stages of Team Development
- Building Team Cohesiveness
- Team Norms
- Self-Perception of Team Abilities
- Sources of Self-Perception
- Implications for Management
- Locus of Control
- Team Stereotyping
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Behavioral Modification
So, what makes us who we are? Part of the answer is that we are who we are because of our parents, the environment in which we grow up, and our individual characteristics. Based on several factors, we develop different perceptions (the way we think) about ourselves. Self-efficacy is based upon a person’s self-esteem, but it defines one’s perception (what the person thinks about himself/herself) related to if he or she can accomplish a task. A person has high self-efficacy if he or she believes that any task can be accomplished once he/she puts his or her mind to it. A person with low self-efficacy does not have faith in himself or herself to accomplish tasks. The above factors shape the behavior of individuals within an organization. Fox Management Consulting Enterprises, LLC, has developed the following training units to modify behavior within an organization to achieve organizational effectiveness, cohesiveness, and to build loyalty and trust:
- Sources of Behavior
- Foundations of Behavior
- Behavior Modeling
- Behavior Modifications
- Behavior Modification Strategies
Time Management
Time management is the term that is used to describe how effectively and efficiently an individual utilizes his or her time. Time management is equally important to the organization, leaders, and all stakeholders. All individuals need to be well organized and manage their time wisely. Time management is an issue that has both organizational and personal implications. Training units focus on the following topics:
- Time Management Defined
- Listing Work Activities
- Assigning Priorities
- Divide and Conquer
- Consolidation of Tasks
- Focusing on Goals
- Knowing Your Abilities
- Peak Times
- Time Log Studies
- Daily Planners
- Time Management Plan of Action
Other Presentations Will Be Tailored for Individual Company Needs!